Sustainable Fort Novosel
Sustainable Fort Novosel
 : : Environmental & Natural Resources Division, Directorate of Public Works (DPW) : :

MISSION: In order to sustain the U.S. Army Aviation Center of Excellence and Fort Novosel's training, readiness, and quality of life needs, we will provide the guidance, actions, and customer assistance necessary to comply with all environmental laws and regulations, prevent pollution where possible, protect and conserve vital natural resources, and continually improve our operations.

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Cultural & Historic Resources

Many Army installations and facilities are rich in historical resources such as prehistoric or historic archeological sites, historic buildings, and cemeteries. These places represent a clear link to our past and are non-renewable resources that enhance our lives. Significant historic and archeological resources must be identified and evaluated, and a process developed to ensure our heritage is maintained.

Section 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) of 1966 requires federal agencies to develop a program to locate, identify, and evaluate historic sites on federal lands, and to nominate these sites for the National Register. In addition, Section 106 of the NHPA requires that all federal land managers must consider the effect of federal undertakings upon historic properties. The following legislation also requires federal agencies to account for historical resources:

  • American Indian Religious Freedom Act (1978)
  • Archaelogical Resources Protection
  • Act (1979), and the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (1990).

Fort Novosel meets the above regulatory requirements through our NEPA process and by adhering to AR 200-1 Section 6 (above link), and through the use of our Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan which is updated periodically.


Please see the Environmental Documents page for program-specific environmental documents and work instructions.

Contact Information

Cultural Resource Manager
(334) 255-2080
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KGS / Trinity Analysis and Development
A Proud Supporter of a Sustainable Fort Novosel
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