Sustainable Fort Novosel
Sustainable Fort Novosel
 : : Environmental & Natural Resources Division, Directorate of Public Works (DPW) : :

MISSION: In order to sustain the U.S. Army Aviation Center of Excellence and Fort Novosel's training, readiness, and quality of life needs, we will provide the guidance, actions, and customer assistance necessary to comply with all environmental laws and regulations, prevent pollution where possible, protect and conserve vital natural resources, and continually improve our operations.

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Green Purchasing

What is Green Procurement?

Green procurement (GP), or sustainable procurement (SP), which incorporates Affirmative Procurement (AP) and Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) requirements, is the purchase of environmentally preferable products and services in accordance with Federal-mandated “green” procurement preference programs.  These products are preferred because they conserve resources, create less pollution and waste, or eliminate health and safety risks.

Sustainable or green procurement means procurement using sustainable environmental practices, including but not limited to, acquisition of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-designated recycled content products, environmentally sustainable electronics products, environmentally preferable goods and services, ENERGY STAR® and Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP)-designated energy-efficient products, water-efficient products, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)-designated biobased products, alternative fuels and alternative fuel vehicles, non-ozone depleting substances, low or non-toxic substances or products containing low or non-toxic constituents, renewable energy sources, and sustainable building materials.

Green Procurement Elements

In accordance with this policy, Fort Novosel gives preference in procurement and acquisition programs to the purchase of:

·         Recycled content products designated in EPA's Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines;

·         Energy-efficient products identified as ENERGY STAR® products by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and EPA, as well as FEMP-designated products;

·         Biobased products designated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) in the BioPreferred program;

·         Non-ozone depleting substances, as identified in EPA's Significant New Alternatives Program (SNAP);

·         Water-efficient products, including those meeting EPA's WaterSense standards;

·         Environmentally preferable products, including Safer Choice labeled products (chemically intensive products that contain safer ingredients) and products with low or no toxic or hazardous constituents;

·         Environmentally sustainable electronic products, including Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT®)-registered products;

·         Alternative fuel vehicles and alternative fuels required by the Energy Policy Act (EPAct);

·         Low greenhouse gas-emitting vehicles;

·         Products that produce renewable energy; and,

·         Sustainable building products.

Program Objectives

The objectives of Fort Novosel’s Green Procurement Program (GPP) are to:

  • Educate all appropriate Fort Novosel personnel on the requirements of Federal "green" procurement preference programs, their roles and responsibilities relevant to these programs and the Fort Novosel GPP, and the opportunities to purchase green products and services.
  • Increase purchases of green products and services consistent with the demands of mission, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness, with continual improvement toward Federally-established procurement goals.
  • Reduce the amount of solid waste generated.
  • Reduce consumption of energy and natural resources.
  • Expand markets for green products and services.
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KGS / Trinity Analysis and Development
A Proud Supporter of a Sustainable Fort Novosel
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