Sustainable Fort Novosel
Sustainable Fort Novosel
 : : Environmental & Natural Resources Division, Directorate of Public Works (DPW) : :

MISSION: In order to sustain the U.S. Army Aviation Center of Excellence and Fort Novosel's training, readiness, and quality of life needs, we will provide the guidance, actions, and customer assistance necessary to comply with all environmental laws and regulations, prevent pollution where possible, protect and conserve vital natural resources, and continually improve our operations.

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Army Sustainability

Sustain the Mission. Secure the Force.

The Army has recognized that sustainability cannot be viewed as only an environmental program. The environment is just one part of the Army’s Triple Bottom Line:  mission, community, and environment. All are interconnected. Sustainability can be defined as meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The Army strategy for the environment describes a sustainable Army as one that simultaneously meets current as well as future mission requirements, safeguards human health, improves quality of life and enhances the natural environment.

Recently, the Army Environmental Command (AEC) and Installation Management Command (IMCOM) began taking steps to integrate sustainability concepts into strategic planning. Sustainability planning efforts are shifting from environmental channels to plans channels. This shift will help expand the application of sustainability concepts to all aspects of Garrison plans and operations. For IMCOM, sustainability is about managing resources so they are available when needed. Mission-critical resources include human capital (including knowledge); natural resources; infrastructure (fixed and mobile); information technology; financial resources; and energy. 
Following IMCOM’s lead, the US Army Garrison - Fort Novosel has partnered with AEC and the Center for Sustainable Solutions to integrate sustainability concepts into the Garrison’s strategic plan.  Through a systematic planning process, Garrison leaders and stakeholders will identify the organization’s strategic sustainability challenges, develop 25-year goals, define objectives, implement action plans, and monitor progress through a command and control system.
To learn more, visit the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations, Energy and Environment) Sustainability page at

Contact Information

PAIO Sustainability Planner
(334) 255-2155
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KGS / Trinity Analysis and Development
A Proud Supporter of a Sustainable Fort Novosel
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