Sustainable Fort Novosel
Sustainable Fort Novosel
 : : Environmental & Natural Resources Division, Directorate of Public Works (DPW) : :

MISSION: In order to sustain the U.S. Army Aviation Center of Excellence and Fort Novosel's training, readiness, and quality of life needs, we will provide the guidance, actions, and customer assistance necessary to comply with all environmental laws and regulations, prevent pollution where possible, protect and conserve vital natural resources, and continually improve our operations.

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Lead-Based Paint


AR 200-1, Environmental Protection and Enhancement, Chapter 9-2.d, Lead-Based Paint Management
29 CFR 35, Subtitle A, Elimination of Lead-Based Paint Hazards in Federally Owned Properties Prior to Sale for Habitation
29 CFR 1910, Part 1025, Lead
29 CFR Part 1926.62, Lead Exposure in Construction: Interim Final Rule (May 4,1993)
Interim Final Report, U.S. Army Environmental Hygiene Agency, Lead-Based Paint Contaminated Debris Waste Characterization Study (May 1992-1993)
Memorandum, Office of the Secretary of Defense, Lead-Based Paint - Risk Assessment, Associated Health Risk to Children, and Control of Hazards in DoD Housing and Related Structures (24 Nov 92)
Memorandum, Office of the Assistant Secretary, Lead-Based Paint Policy Guidance (28 Apr 93)

Lead-based paint was used in many older structures and buildings in past years at Fort Novosel. Although it is not being used in new construction projects, it is still present in many of our older buildings. The most immediate hazard from lead paint is when it is peeling or when excessive levels of lead dust from deteriorating paint are ingested, inhaled, or absorbed through the skin. Windows with lead-based paint may be a hazard if paint is deteriorating since the friction of opening and closing the window can create dust. Hazards are virtually non-existent as long as paint is in good shape or encapsulated (putting a layer of something over it to cover it such as siding or coats of paint). When practicable or feasible during renovation, the lead-based paint may be removed completely.

The Army and Fort Novosel take all necessary steps to minimize hazards when renovation or repair projects occur. Old World War II era wooden buildings are likely to have lead-based paint present. Personnel involved in projects with lead-based paint must have certain training and/or certification. In some cases, special disposal of debris may be required. Many buildings and structures on Fort Novosel have already been tested for lead-based paint. If you are planning to accomplish a self-help project or know of a potential lead-based paint area that is deteriorating, please contact a subject matter expert below to discuss it in more detail:

  • All contractors, tenant organizations, military units, and garrison support organizations:
    - contact your safety officer or environmental compliance officer (ECO) to initiate discussions on any issues. The organization's safety officer or ECO should contact the DPW Environmental Division at (334) 255-1656 to elevate and discuss necessary procedures for any issues.
  • Housing residents:
    - contact the Picerne Housing Office first for more information 
  • To report a possible problem with existing or suspected lead-based paint (all building except family housing):
    - submit a service order to DPW Service Order Desk at (334) 255-9041/9042 in conjunction with a phone call to the appropriate person above.

Contact Information

Lead-Based Paint Technical Representative #1
(334) 255-1656
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