Pollution Prevention

Through the Pollution Prevention Act (PPA 1990), Congress formally established a national policy to prevent or reduce pollution at its source. The act defines P2 as "the use of materials, processes, or practices that reduce the use of hazardous materials, energy, water, or other resources and practices that protect natural resources through conservation or more efficient use".

One of the major provisions of the act includes establishing a P2 strategy outlining a facility's intent to promote the reduction of inputs that become wasteful excess or by-products and to collect data on source reduction and waste recycling. In addition to environmental benefits, preventing pollution offers important economic benefits, since pollution that is never created avoids the need for expensive investments in waste management or cleanup.

The P2 philosophy operates in the following manner:

The PPA established requirements and goals for some agencies and industries, but compliance with the legislation was not required for federal facilities until Executive Order (EO) 12856 was issued in 1993. The EO required federal facilities to comply with this act, and it further stated that federal facilities would set an example as good environmental stewards.

Another Executive Order 13693 was issued in 2015 which continued the previous requirements established by EO 13514 and EO 13423  and extended the timeline to 2025. Like many other Army installations, Fort Novosel is committed to P2 because of its environmental, economic, and mission benefits.

To promote the implementation of P2 projects and ideas on installations, the Army often provides funding to installations for good P2 ideas, equipment, or projects. If you can think of a process or technology improvement that may make a P2 difference in your work area, please contact DPW-ENRD at 255-1024. We may be able to secure funding to implement your good idea for you.

Can you make a difference in P2? Yes!