Pest Management

Pest management at the USAACE and Fort Novosel is governed by an Installation Pest Management Plan that is written IAW the Armed Forces Pest Management Board (AFPMB) Technical Guide #18. The plan describes a comprehensive program that uses a wide variety of technological and management practices to achieve long-term and environmentally-sound pest suppression and prevention. Modern strategies of pest management avoid total reliance on chemical pesticides in favor of many techniques to eliminate or reduce damage by pests with minimum risks to the environment. This approach is commonly referred to as integrated pest management (IPM). Federal Agencies are mandated by Public Law (Section 136r-1 of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act) to use IPM. IPM requires full use of information about pest biology and environment, as well as the roles of engineering, culture, genetics, and other disciplines for overall control. IPM is the best approach to control pests, reduce pesticide resistance, and meet mandates for Federal agencies to reduce environmental risks from hazardous chemicals.

Types of Control Activities:

Pesticide Classification and Use:

Although only two classes (restricted-use and general) of pesticides are recognized and registered by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Army and the Department of Defense (DoD) have a three-tiered classification system for pesticides: restricted-use pesticides, controlled pesticides and uncontrolled pesticides. Restricted-use pesticides may be purchased and applied only by persons having received special training and testing in their use, handling, safety, and application. Uncontrolled pesticides are available for issue to, and use by, the general population. Controlled pesticides are those pesticides not otherwise designated as restricted or uncontrolled. Within the DoD, the application of restricted-use and controlled pesticides is limited to personnel who are DoD or State certified in the operational category(ies) in which they are working. Therefore, credit card purchases of restricted-use or controlled pesticides for use by uncertified personnel is prohibited. In addition, no herbicides can be made available for use on a self-help basis.

A number of uncontrolled pesticides are available for issue to installation personnel for use in controlling common household pests and fireants in and around their facilities. These include:

Use of these products in conjunction with proper sanitation and appropriate harborage management and exclusion will generally prevent or remediate most small pest infestations.

The minor phases of pest control, including control of common household pests such as roaches, ants, silverfish and spiders, are self-help responsibilities. Pest problems not designated as self-help responsibilities can be addressed by service order by calling 255-9041/9042.

Mosquito Surveillance and Control:

The Preventive Medicine Service is the agency responsible for surveillance of mosquitoes (as well as other medically important arthropods) on the installation. Complaints about mosquitoes or other biting insects or arthropods should be directed to 255-7380. Requirements for mosquito control are determined by thresholds of activity, not the mere presence of mosquitoes. Upon determination of need, mosquito control requirements are passed on to the DPW Entomologist for action.

Animal Control:

The Game Warden is the designated animal control officer for the installation and has responsibility for control of feral and stray dogs and cats as well as wild animals such as armadillos, skunks, raccoons, opossums and snakes. The Game Warden can be contacted through the office of the Provost Marshall Military Police desk at 255-2222/2354.

Carcass Disposal:

The Pest Management Section of the DPW maintenance contractor is responsible for the pick-up and disposal of carcasses resulting from pest management activities as well as disposal of road kills and other dead animals (exclusive of household pets and animals boarded at the Equestrian Center). Carcass disposal is in response to service orders called in to 255-9041/9042.

Point of Contact:

Questions regarding any aspect of pest management at the USAACE and Fort Novosel should be directed to the Installation Pest Management Coordinator at 255-2080.