Hazardous Material Management

Proper management of hazardous materials (HM) is a complex task because there are many types of HM, and several federal agencies that regulate them. These regulations can become confusing because they overlap, and because each regulatory agency has their own terms and types of required training. At Fort Novosel, several offices are involved in hazmat management as seen below:

Hazard Communication Program
Radiation Protection Program
Directorate of Safety (334) 255-3000
Hazardous, Universal, & Medical Waste
(334) 255-1024
Ammunition or Explosives
Ammunition Supply Point (334) 255-4898
Range Operations (334) 255-4026
Hazardous Spills
Fort Novosel Fire Department (334) 255-0044 or 911
Procurement of Hazardous Substances
For The Workplace

Hazmat Control Center (334) 598-1037
Industrial Hygiene/Preventive Medicine Office
(334) 255-7331 / (334) 255-7012
Other Environmental Issues
Directorate Public Works, Environmental and Natural Resources Division
(334) 255-1653

If you are involved in any aspect of HM handling or management, you need specific training to ensure you are meeting all of your requirements. Army Technical Manual TM 38-410 is an excellent reference source which discusses the many facets of HM in more detail.

Fort Novosel Hazardous Materials Management Program (HMMP)

Most Army installations and Fort Novosel procure and use significant amounts of hazardous materials (HM), and generate significant amounts of hazardous waste (HW). Past practices in the Army often resulted in activities purchasing more HM than was needed, which ultimately caused storage, management, safety, and environmental burdens. Although storing extra quantities for contingency was sometimes necessary, the excess materials often expired or deteriorated before they were ever used, thus creating a double financial tap on the user....the procurement dollars were a loss, and the user was required to pay additional costly fees to dispose of it as hazardous waste. Often enough, one activity across post was procuring the exact same thing that another activity was packaging up for disposal. Without central visibility, there was no way to cross-level excess items.

The Army finally realized the need for a program which would allow a centralized cell of personnel to control many of the HM storage, receipt, and tracking functions for customers. This would relieve them of certain burdens and allow them time for other mission duties. Army installations also have several federal reports due each year about HM usage which could be generated easier using centralized data.

The Hazardous Materials Management Program (HMMP) at Fort Novosel was established in 1998. It is managed by the Logistics Readiness Center (LRC), and consists of the following management tools implemented together:

Hazardous Material Control Center or HMCC  

Hours of Operations

  • HMCC Phone Number: (334) 598-1037
  • HMCC Fax Number: (334) 598-1027
  • The HMCC is staffed Monday through Friday from 0730 to 1630 hours.
  • Requirements for material between 1630 and 0730 hours must be routed through the Fort Novosel Staff Duty Officer at 255-3400 or 255-9405.

The Fort Novosel Hazardous Material Control Center (HMCC) was established in 1998 to reduce hazardous waste and maximum procurement dollars by better controlling the acquisition, use, handling, and disposition of hazardous materials (HM). Central visibility and tracking of HM by the HMCC provides a way to cross-level and redistribute excess but serviceable HM items, thus avoiding hazardous waste disposal, which is costly and carries a large amount of liability. Reuse or redistribution of products also ensures that we utilize the money already spent on HM procurements.   

Since the HMCC's establishment in 1998, the HMCC process has saved over 1.5 million dollars through efficient procurement, redistribution, avoiding disposition of excess hazardous materials and shelf-life extensions.

HMCC As A Component of an Installation Program 

The HMCC is only one of several components that make up Fort Novosel's Hazardous Material Management Program (HMMP).   The policies, procedures, and services of the HMCC are designed to help the installation improve overall operations and better meet safety, environmental, reporting, and mission needs, while also providing a high degree of customer service and minimizing costs.   Because hazardous material ordering, storage, handling, transportation, and disposal requirements are complex, Army research shows that a centralized cell of personnel dedicated to these services full time is efficient, and frees up other installation personnel more to focus on mission duties.

HMCC Oversight

Fort Novosel's HMCC is contractor-operated.  The contracting officer's representative (COR) for this contract is the Logistics Readiness Center.  LRC is the installation supply proponent, which includes assisting installation customers in obtaining hazardous supplies, as well. 

Once an item is received at the central warehouse and issued out to the user organization, the process becomes much more than a supply operation.   Many other complex factors come into play with a HM item such as workplace safety, fire safety, environmental compliance, hazardous spills, and waste generation.   Because of this, the Directorate of Public Works (DPW) Environmental Office works closely with the LRC Services Branch, HMCC, and user organizations regarding HM policy and procedures.   The DPW Environmental Branch is also responsible for ensuring that the contractor operation of the central 90-Day Hazardous Waste Storage Site (and all related hazardous waste handling) complies with all required laws and regulations.  

Post Safety, Industrial Hygiene Department, and the Fire Department may also get involved as necessary.

Regular Ordering/Inventory

The HMCC stocks, procures, and delivers items which customers are using on a regular basis.  They can also procure special or non-regular items after the items have been approved for addition to the activity's Authorized Use List (AUL) by completing USAACE Form 2730 for approval.  These items are charged to customers' proper accounting codes when issued.  Please contact the HMCC to discuss these procedures more if you have not previously been using the HMCC to obtain your organization's hazardous materials.      

Free Inventory

The free issue inventory is a supply of various items which were paid for by certain activities on post, but donated back to the HMCC for redistribution due to having excess quantities. The donating activity benefits from the donation since they avoid hazardous waste disposal costs, and the activity which draws it out later for use benefits by avoiding the procurement cost.  Environmental Officers in every post organization are provided updates to the free issue list so they can take advantage of the no-cost items if they need them.    

Computer Tracking System and Labeling System

Enterprise Environmental, Safety, and Occupational Health Management Information System, or EESOH-MIS (a standardized software for managing hazardous material procurement and usage)

Fort Novosel Credit Card Policy for Hazmat

Fort Novosel credit card policy requires all personnel on Fort Novosel to contact the HMCC to inquire about product availability before making any HM purchases by credit card. Customers may be able to save money or the procurement time if the HMCC has a desired item in stock.

If the HMCC cannot immediately fill your requirements, they will either make the purchase for you or authorize you to use the government credit card. Certain circumstances affect this, so the best thing to do is contact the HMCC to discuss your situation and needs.  Personnel should use USAACE Form 2730 to obtain approval for these purchases.